Thank you for considering for your tutorial, coursework, and assignment writing needs. We are committed to providing you with high-quality services and customer satisfaction.

Our refund policy is designed to ensure that you are fully satisfied with our services. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the services provided, we offer the following refund policy:

  1. Full Refund: If we fail to deliver your order or if the quality of the work delivered is significantly below your expectations, you are eligible for a full refund. We will review your request for a full refund and if approved, we will process the refund within 5 business days.

  2. Partial Refund: If you are not satisfied with the quality of the work delivered, you may request a partial refund. The amount of the partial refund will be determined based on the extent of the issue and the amount of work completed. We will review your request and if approved, we will process the refund within 5 business days.

  3. No Refund: If you request a refund after the order has been completed and delivered to you, we will not be able to provide you with a refund. This is because the work has been completed and delivered to you as per your instructions.

To request a refund, you must contact our customer support team within 14 days of receiving the completed order. We will review your request and respond to you within 2 business days.

Please note that we may require additional information or clarification to process your refund request.

We reserve the right to make changes to our refund policy at any time. If we make any changes to our refund policy, we will update this page accordingly.



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